Saturday, June 25, 2011

My Hui

Mahalo na 'aumakua a na kupuna no keia hui 'o Team B. Maika'i no ho'i ku'u 'ohana 'o Rafael, Vanessa, Leona, Grace, Kawailele, Angel, Miles, Steven, a Kamaehu. Our team is awesome and love each every one of my teammates with all of my pu'uwai, heart. All us guys and gals have become intertwined and pa'a, firm, in our relationships with one another.

RAFAEL is a tall haole guy from Sacramento that is genuinely warmhearted and kind. He has revealed a side to himself that burns with a passion for his 'aina, land, and the world. We always wala'au, talk story, and he shares mana'o, knowledge, that is at times deep and at other times, funny. The title haole derives from the word ha'ole, breathless, as it was the way our kupuna, ancestors, saw the white man and his way of life. But the title haole is unfit for such a man as Raffi, for he has proven to be a man who gives life not only to our 'aina, but to our team and our lives and I mahalo him for that.

VANESSA is a short haole kumu, teacher, from the Continent. Her giggle is famous and her smile unique. She finds relaxation and peace in the essence of our 'aina. I pick up a strong sense of 'ohana, family, in her. A devoted love not only for her 'ohana but for us. She assumes the position of makuahine, mother, and treats us as her own. We love her back as our alaka'i, leader, through the thick and thin. The team and I mahalo you for your devotion and aloha for our 'aina, Hawai'i nei.

LEONA is a young wahine, woman, that is independent and patriotic. She has a face of determination and love for all things she does and intends on doing. In the lo'i, taro patch, she displayed fondness of a keiki o ka 'aina, child of the land. Covered in thick mud up to her face, she was driven to move pohaku, large stones, and hasten its completion. She has her own character unlike any other on our team, something that she should and will without a doubt retain as a lifelong attribute. She plays it safe and her eyes reveal a mind that is continuously in motion, with thoughts and ideas ready to burst forth into life. I am happy to have her as part of my 'ohana.

GRACE is a petite Pake, Chinese, girl from the Big Apple. Her words are intelligent, her laugh fulfilling, her mind determined, and her spirit alive. Her late night mele, singing, proves her shamelessness, and her single card trick interesting. I have no doubt that these past few weeks have brought about experiences she has never seen or heard of before, but she is doing great. She went through a week of culture shock and off the map living, especially for a New Yorker, but I believe she did maika'i, good. The lo'i, taro patch, is an environment to get used to, and though it was short lived, I am very proud of her fearlessness and endurance. She is the mighty mouse in the face of a lion. She will always be apart of my heart and 'ohana, family, perpetually.

KAWAILELEONALANI is a young kanaka maoli wahine with a heart of aloha and a laugh that makes funny things even funnier. Her jokes are good fun and her mana'o is one of a kind. She seeks common sense and has good intentions. Living is her natural high and to do good is her mission. I always enjoy spending time with her because we always laugh and have fun, not only together, but between our entire team. She is and will always be 'ohana to me.

ANGEL is a big funny guy from Saipan who never stops smiling. He is hardworking, kind, and never mad. He always has jokes and comments that make all of us laugh. He is mostly quiet but when he does talk he always makes me smile. When I first met him I thought he was definitely from here, but then he told me he was from Saipan, a little island all the way across the ocean. It was definitely a surprise, but then again, he is always surprising his team. He told all of us last week that he wanted to kokua, help, and do his part to malama 'aina, care for the land, so that he would stay out of trouble. He's a smart and awesome guy who cares for his work and his 'ohana, and I mahalo him for being such a cool guy. He is 'ohana to me as much as any other.

MILES is the brightest and most akamai Filipino I have ever met. He has astonished me with his broad manaʻo and extraordinary character. I have not once seen him flip out, even when I had the tent stick flip up and wack him on the face. He is dependable, approachable, and sociable. He loves his 'aina, his 'ohana, and all of us. I admire him for his helpfulness, especially when he was working with Steven to get up the Ladder course in Kualoa last week. I always have fun playing with accents with him and hearing what he knows of his 'aina and our history. He is talkative and informative, always engaging in conversation when others fall silent. I respect his style of thinking and genuine personality. He plays awesome ukulele and loves everyone. He is 'ohana to me, no matter what.

STEVEN is a real guy with loads of mo'olelo, stories, and mana'o, thoughts. Many first saw him as quiet but when you really get to know him, he can talk about anything and everything. He likes to sing any song, eat, sleep, skip rocks, and play cards. When he's not dozing off, he's pretty active with his hands and his mouth. I have gotten to know him closely over the past weeks and consider him not only a really cool friend but a brother. He is unique because though he may take a little time to share his mana'o in a deep conversation, when he does share, he has equally significant mana'o. He respects what other people have to say and is always listening. He doesn't put up a fake face and act all cool, but is instead real and compassionate. He is my bro whether he likes it or not and is always 'ohana. He can come over my house and sleep on the ground when ever he like! lol.

KAMAEHU is just Kamaehu. I aloha all you guys like Teddy's Burger chocolate shake and L&L chicken katsu, foeva and eva no matta wat!!! I see you guys Monday!


  1. Kama...this was beautiful. :) I already told you in person but I wanted it to be visible to anyone who reads this amazing blog post!


  2. it warms my heart to read this Kama:)
    -Poolee Kawelo
